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Chandan Kumar

Gatsby Theme Shadowing Lekoarts

gatsby1 min read

This site is powered by Lekoarts theme, while it has a lot of features, I wanted to change styling and some text contents that the theme defaults to.

To this I figured I have to change the Home layout in Lekoart. I copied homepage.tsx from node_modules/@lekoarts/gatsby-theme-minimal-blog/src/components/ to project src folder.

Gatsby official documentation does cite how to do this, but the chances are that one might miss it out. Following is what the Gatsby documentation says about shadowing

Gatsby themes introduce a concept called “shadowing”. This feature allows users to replace a file in the src directory that is included in the webpack bundle with their own implementation. This works for React components, pages in src/pages, JSON files, TypeScript files, as well as any other imported file (such as .css) in your site.

Lekoarts Gatsby theme shadowing

After copying the file from node_modules to apt src folder, the references needs to be updated for example to something below

1import Layout from "@lekoarts/gatsby-theme-minimal-blog/src/components/layout";
2import Title from "@lekoarts/gatsby-theme-minimal-blog/src/components/title";
3import Listing from "@lekoarts/gatsby-theme-minimal-blog/src/components/listing";
4import List from "@lekoarts/gatsby-theme-minimal-blog/src/components/list";

Refer to

Effective path for this file is /src/@lekoarts/gatsby-theme-minimal-blog/components/homepage.tsx

To change the footer of this site, I did something like

1/** @jsx jsx */
2import { jsx, Link } from "theme-ui";
3import useSiteMetadata from "@lekoarts/gatsby-theme-minimal-blog/src/hooks/use-site-metadata";
5const Footer = () => {
6 const { siteTitle } = useSiteMetadata();
8 return (
9 <footer
10 sx={{
11 boxSizing: `border-box`,
12 display: `flex`,
13 justifyContent: `space-between`,
14 mt: [6],
15 color: `secondary`,
16 a: {
17 variant: `links.secondary`,
18 },
19 flexDirection: [`column`, `column`, `row`],
20 variant: ``,
21 }}
22 >
23 <div>
24 <span
25 sx={{ width: "10px", display: "inline-block", marginRight: "2px" }}
26 >
27 <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 980 980">
28 <circle
29 cx="490"
30 cy="490"
31 r="440"
32 fill="none"
33 stroke="#000"
34 strokeWidth="100"
35 />
36 <path d="M219,428H350a150,150 0 1 1 0,125H219a275,275 0 1 0 0-125z" />
37 </svg>
38 </span>
39 Copyleft. WTH
40 </div>
41 <div>
42 Theme
43 {` `}
44 by
45 {` `}
46 LekoArts
47 </div>
48 </footer>
49 );
52export default Footer;


Copyleft. WTH
Theme by LekoArts